Friday, September 20, 2013


January: Spring/Winter run Salmon arrive.
Steelhead in AR.

February: Spring/Winter run Salmon arrive.
Steelhead in AR.

March: Mid to late March some fry (2-3 inches long) will move downstream
Spring/Winter run Salmon arrive.
Steelhead in AR.

April: Some fry head downstream
Flashboards up early April (problems for fry)! Coppin dam largest flashboards and un-notched and many large bass.
Steelhead in AR.

May: Possibly some fry head downstream

June: Some fry may stay in AR.

July: Some fry may stay in AR.

August: Some fry may stay in AR.

September: Some fry may stay in AR.

October: Mid-October 1st possible arrival of salmon (no rain, flashboards up).
90-125 cps needed for at least 24 hours; longer is better
Salmon imperiled if AR drops to around 9 CPS and weather is warm.
Competition, pairing, redd prep and egg laying
Already in the Sac, Feather, Yuba and American Rivers
Steelhead arrive.

November: First adult salmon photographed at Lincoln Fish Ladder (11/2/2012)
Salmon continue to arrive in AR and egg laying
Steelhead in AR.

December: Salmon possibly still arriving in AR
Fry hatch 45 to 60 days after fertilized
Steelhead in AR.

Notes: Hi predation of adults by otter, mink and raccoon; natural die-off depends
on how fresh the salmon were.
Some fry may stay in AR all year.
Steelhead follow the Salmon and feed on their eggs.

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