Sunday, September 13, 2009

Six Phases of SARSAS Returning Anadromous Fishes to Auburn Ravine

I. Phase I (Verona to Hwy 193) – Task is to identify barriers, identify and contact owners of barriers for compliance (Don Tanner, NOAA and Mark Jeter, DFG). Educate barrier owners regarding downstream screening of side irrigation ditches (Seek funding for screening). Work with counties, landowners and cities regarding beaver abatement (see Mary Tappel). Work with Placer County Ag Commissioner for beaver removal and get contacts for Sutter and Sacramento counties; ask for training- ask quietly, “Can volunteers be trained in beaver abatement techniques”. If training is possible, we can train volunteers in all three counties.

II. Phase II ( Highway 193 to Gold Hill Diversion Dam) – Identify and mitigate Hemphill DD, beaver dams and other obstructions. Plan for screening at Hemphill DD. Begin development of plans for stream restoration from Verona to Moore Rd.

III. Phase III (Gold Hill DD to Ophir Tunnel Outflow) – Identify and mitigate barriers, plan for fish ladders and screening at GHDD –work with Ron Nelson (NID) and Placer Legacy. Develop a plan for fish passage on the Ophir Cataract – Begin building landowner coalition. SARSAS develops calendar timeline and steps necessary to improve fish passage – Develop formalized SARSAS working partnerships with coalition members mutually developing roles and responsibilities for improving fish passage. Set reporting dates for each group to present to a SARSAS DOMES meeting. Continue development of stream restoration from Verona to Moore Road. Develop workshop for Auburn Ravine landowner to help them become better informed stewards of their land.

Phase IV (Ophir Tunnel Outflow to Wise Powerhouse ) Begin to develop planning with PG&E/PCWA/NID seeking additional water supply. Work with agencies to help improve Auburn Waste Water Treatment Plant outflow ( see Eco-Logic re advice) – Establish SARSAS water quality testing immediately below AWWTP and water temperature including four/five sites from GHDD to town of Verona – contact Ron Otto and Friends of the Auburn Ravine and develop a working relationship to piggybank onto their studies and agencies currently doing water monitoring on his property – contact Jim and Mary Kleinbach, who have volunteered access to their land, for water quality and temperature studies. Continue development of stream restoration from Verona to Moore Road.

Phase V. Wise Powerhouse to Auburn School Park/Ashford Park—City of Auburn/
Civil Solutions—Feasibility studies for reach #5 Seek funding for this reach in order to secure fish passage. Seek additional year round waters for reach #5 in order to assure fish passage for salmon and steelhead into the City of Auburn. Participate in fish tagging of current steel head in the Auburn Ravine from Highway 193 to Ophir tunnel outflow.
Begin stream restoration projects in various Auburn Ravine localities. Continue monitoring fish passage from highway 193 bridge to the Ophir tunnel outflow.
Finalize coalition development. Begin the process of reconfiguration of Auburn Ravine for salmon spawning at both the Ashford Park and the enhancement of the Auburn School Park fish way. (Janice Forbes) Jack to meet with Janice Forbes and ask for her plan for the best development of the fish way for spawning in both parks.

Phase VI. Maintenance Plan for the Auburn Ravine
Within this phase the assumption is that there are now successful spawning runs of both salmon and steelhead. It is therefore imperative that a long term maintenance plan is developed in order to continue a healthy eco system along the entire Auburn Ravine. The plan should include agencies, stakeholder groups and non-governmental groups and other organizations and individuals for input into this long range plan.

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